years ago, a question broke across our televisions and became
embedded in our national conversation:
WHERE’s THE BEEF? An elderly woman decried the fact that
most burgers were two large buns with an infinitesimal amount of
beef in between—and the answer was to come to Wendy’s where the
beef on the bun was substantial and filling.
Hilarious at the time, the byline became synonymous with a
deeper intrinsic issue—where’s the reality of what is promised?
And the question is salient today. When you bore beyond
articulated talking points and position papers in industry or
ministry—does the substance match the marketing?
And the question is one every ministry today must answer.
In the light of seriously waning church attendance; in the
dramatic increase of the “none” category when people are poled
regarding their religious preference in the United States; with
8000 churches closing their doors every year; not only must
Christians and Christian ministries deeply contemplate WHY, but we
MUST ask ourselves, “Where’s the beef?” More importantly and
specifically, “Where’s the passion?”
The Bible teaches in
Romans 12:11 (NKJV)
that we are to not be 11…lagging
in diligence,(but be) fervent in spirit, serving the Lord…”
Greek word for fervent is zeo and it means:
be hot
of liquids; or
of solids), i.e. (figurative)
be fervid
The Passion translation puts it this
Romans 12:11 (PassionNTPsa) 11
Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your
passion toward him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy
Spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve Him.
Sadly, our fervor has waned. Millennials and young people
observing the church too often see religion without a heartbeat.
Good works deserve more than activity, but activity birthed from,
and expressed from, a heart on fire.
Preaching without passion, writing without passion, actions
without passion—or without fire birthed from and expressed for our
Lord Jesus—gains no following.
Possibly people are leaving the church because they don’t
often see those IN the church LOVING and passionately being a part
of the church.
Of John Wesley it is often quoted, “I
set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.”
Church, it’s time we find ourselves looking into the face of
Jesus, realizing again His full-hearted fervor and passion in
laying His life down for us, and allowing our souls to catch fire
again. THEN people will be able to see His light and passion in
us—then the church can catch fire again.
Dear Lord, pour
out a fresh awakening on our nation, on our churches—and let it
begin with me. Then I
will be able to answer the question, “Where’s the Passion” with
“Look at me—my heart is hot on fire with PASSION for my Jesus.
Come follow me as I follow Him.”
Kevin Hunter pastors Grace Christian Center in Port
Ludlow, WA. He’s been a church planter, preacher, teacher,
mentor and leader for 45 years, and currently serves as VP
of the NW Region of The Fellowship Network. |
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