From The Pastor's Pen


In our church life at Grace Christian Center, we are making our way through the Book of Acts in a series entitled “Acts Alive.”  Having just completed our 39th message in the series, I am more convinced than ever that the grace of God is the golden key that opens all doors in the spiritual life; indeed, it is the main foundation of the entire building of the Christian life.

After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples began to spread the message of the Good News of Jesus. But that message was mostly limited to the Jews—and many of them turned to the Lord. However, the Gentiles were only secondarily a reached “people group.” Jewish Christians made up the early church until The Dispersia.  The dispersion of Christians, due to persecution of the church in Jerusalem, led directly to a broadcasting of the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.


Although Peter obeyed God’s call and took Jesus to the Gentiles in Cornelius’ house, as a whole and as a purposeful movement, the Gentiles were not being reached. That is, until the Holy Spirit called out a group of people for His name’s sake in a place called Antioch. Antioch became a wonderful and alive congregation of mostly Gentiles who surrendered to Jesus. After revival hit Antioch and testimony returned to Jerusalem, the apostles sent Barnabus to see what was happening. With joy, Barnabus beheld the glory of God revealed in a precious move among a people not of his culture and background.  Barnabus began to teach and realized that these people needed more leadership than what he could provide alone, so Barnabus went to retrieve Saul (also known as Paul) from his quiet years in Tarsus. As a leadership team, Barnabus and Saul taught and raised up an incredible church.


Then, God spoke prophetically to set aside these two men for a missionary calling to take the Good news of God’s grace TO THE GENTILES. They obeyed, and traversed the known world. The first missionary journey saw them travel 700 miles by foot and 500 miles by sea to declare their Jesus. A pattern developed. They would preach in the synagogues and gain interest. Then the next Sabbath, Jews and Gentiles would gather and many would be saved. Great revival occurred! Then Jewish opposition would rise up and force them out of the community at which they had just birthed a church. Paul at one point was stoned and left for dead but rose up miraculously and returned to his traveling and preaching.


Why? How could they keep going and keep preaching in spite of vehement opposition?  Because these men fell head long in love with Jesus who saved them BY GRACE. The way of the Law--earning salvation by works--was discovered to be a bankrupt and futile system; only grace, only the blood of Jesus could cleanse a smitten conscience and free a soul from sin.  Only Jesus can truly save and set one free and bring deliverance to a heart bound in the prison and turmoil of slavery to sin.


Though others would follow the apostolic missionaries and bring disputation that one had to be saved by circumcision and keeping the Law of Moses, TRUTH prevailed—salvation is by GRACE through faith in Jesus and in Him alone. Being saved means we do good works as a response of gratitude for our new hearts and lives. But good works do NOT earn us a place of favor with our righteous God.


Jesus is wonderful, glorious, delivering, freeing and the gracious gift of God the Father. He loves you and calls you into personal friendship and relationship with Himself. If you have already given your life to Him, continue to celebrate Jesus and enjoy walking with Him everyday. If you have NOT been set free by grace, I urge you to surrender to Jesus today. Ask Him to come into your heart, to forgive you, to take over and be your Lord and Savior. And you, too, can celebrate the everlasting wonderful truth of God’s GOOD NEWS—Salvation is by GRACE through FAITH in Jesus, and in Him alone.


If you have not done so before, pray this prayer today:

Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and have sinned against you. Please forgive me; wash me clean by the blood You shed for me at the Cross.  Come into my heart and take over my life—be my personal Lord and Savior. Now, by faith, I receive YOU, Your forgiveness, Your grace. Jesus, thank You for Your gift of freedom and for giving me a new heart. In Jesus Name, Amen.


If you have prayed that prayer, write us at and let us know. We invite you to come worship with Grace Christian Center at 10 on Sunday mornings at 1770 Swansonville Road. Let us together enjoy the GRACE of God.

Here are prior messages from Pastor Kevin's pen:
      Redemptive Disasters
      The Holidays
      Fall Elections
      True Heroes
      The Passion of the Christ
      Spring is Coming
      Christmas Bells Are Ringing
      September's Song
      It's a New Day
      It is well with my soul
      A New Life to Come
      Wars and Rumors
      The Ministry of Encouragement

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