Ahhhh, here it is, Easter.
How did this happen. The time between Christmas and Easter gets shorter every
year…doesn’t it?
To those who don’t know Jesus, and to kids, it seems a bit difficult to grasp an
entire life (of 33 years) and ministry (3 ½ years), torture and death, and a
resurrection all in the space of four months (Christmas to Easter.) When I was
a kid, going to church meant little, but I did respect what Jesus went through
on a cross. I didn’t quite grasp that He did this specifically for me, but I
appreciated what He did for “everybody out there.” I always liked music and
though some of the hymns sounded oddly old-fashioned to me, I really liked The
Old Rugged Cross. And true confession time—I admit I NEVER liked Easter egg
hunts. When I was a kid, I always felt like I was doing this to make some adult
happy who was trying to make me happy because this is what made THEM happy when
they were kids…or something like that. But even as a kid I wondered—what does
THIS have to do with Jesus dying on the cross and resurrection? Of course now I
understand—it has NOTHING to do with it. But then, I only wondered.
Now that I’ve surrendered my
life to Jesus and I love Him so, I am very grateful for Him—for His Passion, His
brutal beating and horrendous death on the Cross, and for His wonderful
Resurrection. New Hope, New Life, New Beginnings, The Proof of His REALLY being
the Messiah—all wrapped up in this event called Easter. Some prefer
Resurrection Sunday because they are upset with the Spring Equinox pagan
celebration being brought into the church, and the trappings of fertility rites
symbolized by bunnies and such. OK, I agree. However, to make a huge deal out
of terminology on a day when we are reaching out to save souls lost and bound
for hell seems to pale in the light of a BIGGER picture. So Easter it is in most
minds. Someone else’s bunny can NEVER supersede the truth of the Resurrection.
And I don’t care how much chocolate is sold on this event.
For God so LOVED the world
that HE GAVE His only begotten Son…Jesus “gave His back to the smiters…” Jesus
spoke glorious words from the cross that release us and propel us into the arms
of God, when He said “Father Forgive them for they know not what they do.” What
a wonderful and glorious truth. Good Friday is a remembrance of a horrible
event, but one that releases such Good News. Resurrection. Easter Morning. The
Glorious Rising Again of Jesus from the death and the tomb. Even the most
world-weary skeptics should be awed in the face of the fact that Jesus fulfilled
300 Old Testament Messianic prophecies in His life, His death, and His
Resurrection. Not one, not two. 300! Prophecies about a coming Messiah and what
He would experience—declared hundreds of years prior to their events. The
mathematical possibilities of that occurring are staggering to say the least.
Only One ever did anything like that: Jesus.
Sin brings death. That’s
what the Bible says. “For the wages of sin is death.” But my death won’t pay
for that sin, it only destroys me. I could never be good enough to EARN
forgiveness. I can only RECEIVE it.
Jesus went to the Cross for
YOU and for ME. Today, if you have never received Jesus as YOUR personal Lord
and Savior, I urge you to:
Understand that God loves you so much that Jesus went through this for
Understand that you are a sinner. Yes, you. I know you may be a good
person, but you aren’t good enough. Somewhere, somehow, you’ve done something
wrong—inner attitudes, or to someone, or with someone. Or perhaps you DIDN’T do
something you should have. That is all sin. Its definition is “to miss the
mark.” It doesn’t take much to leave you feeling guilty, does it? That guilt is
not to be denied—it’s called “conviction” and it’s a gift of the Holy Spirit.
Let it bring you to Jesus for forgiveness.
Jesus died for YOU so your sins could be forgiven. He took them upon
Himself and received the punishment due sin.
Ask Him to come into your heart, to be YOUR personal Lord and Savior, to
take over your life, to forgive you of your sins.
Receive Him by faith and thank Him for what He’s done for you.
Still not sure what to do? Pray this prayer: Jesus I believe You are the Son
of God and You went to the Cross for me. Please come into my heart and take over
my life—be my personal Lord and Savior. Save me and forgive me of my sins.
Right now, by faith, I receive You. Thank you for saving me.
Simple prayer, but BIG
result. If you have done that, rejoice. He DID save you. Your life is
Heaven-bound. But this life is not just for Heaven someday, but He gives you
peace, forgiveness, hope and direction in this life now. If you have prayed
this prayer, I urge you to call us at Grace Christian Center. Pastor Sherri
Barden is at 360-821-9684; I am at 360-821-9680. We want to rejoice with you.
Oh, one more thing. Happy Easter! |