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Grace Christian Center is gathering on Sunday mornings at 10am at the Port Ludlow Conference Center at 200 Olympic Place.

If you are unable to attend, we wholly invite you to be with us on Sunday morning at Grace Christian Center on line. We're at Facebook Live at GCC Port Ludlow, beginning around 10:00 am.


Pastor Sherri's offers the next in her devotional series on the Psalms--today, she takes us to Psalm 149 to urge us to enjoy worshiping our Lord.

  Passing Batons - As we move from 2024 to 2025, Pastor Kevin takes us to Hebrews 12--and we look at how to powerfully move into our new day. Come enjoy! 

12-22-2024 Pastor Sherri continues to lift our vision and heart of worship, sharing with us the incredible love of God. This is her devo on Psalm 146.
  On week 4 of Advent, we take a fresh look at the amazing love of God, expressed to us in the birth of His Son Jesus. This is called Proof of Love Luke 2.


Pastor Sherri continues her series on the Psalms, opening our hearts to worshiping Him even more. Come listen to her thoughts on Psalm 143 v 10.

  Pastor Kevin takes us to Luke 2--where we see how God is able to get us to where we belong as we follow Him--and positions us for His miracle and blessing. This is Advent 3, Take Joy On Your Journey.


Give To Live - Luke 1 & 3  - On this second week of Advent Pastor Kevin relates that we know Jesus is our Peace. This is Give to Live--where we learn further how to bring His presence and peace to those around us  


With vibrant life, Pastor Sherri shares the heart of the Father, gleaned today from Psalm 136. Come enjoy!

  Pastor Kevin - Preparation to See Jesus, Part 1 - On this first Sunday of Advent, we follow Jesus to Luke 21 where He works to lift the vision of His Disciples--to see as He sees, and to know that He with us--even in the worst of difficulties. He is our God of Hope.


Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 130 as she leads us closer to the heart of Jesus and teaches us to worship Him in all circumstances. Come enjoy!


Thanksgiving Living '24 - Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to Samaria as He ministers to the 10 lepers - Luke 17 - we see Him move toward the needy and rejected, and brings His total healing power to the one who is truly grateful. This is Thanksgiving Living '24.

11-17-2024 Pastor Sherri goes in depth on Psalm 126 and what it speaks to our hearts today as we worship Jesus. Come enjoy
  Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus as He opens the Disciples eyes to what is truly important to God---and they're shocked to discover that it's not the beauty of the Temple. It's not the "stuff" that's important but a heart that's His. This is Hold To Your Living Faith.

11-10-2024 Pastor Sherri shares rich insights from Psalm 120, and guides us into deeper worship for Jesus. Enjoy!
  Pastor Kevin - Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray and He taught them what we call The Lord's Prayer. There are deep and powerful insights for us today, including the NEED to both receive and give FORGIVENESS. This is Your Kingdom Come.

11-03-2024 Chaplian, Military Special Forces Retired, Pastor Joseph Guerra brings a simple, excellent, and profound message on Three Results of Surrender to Jesus. (Colossians 2)


Pastor Sherri continues her devotional series from the book of Psalms. Today, from Psalm 119, verse 72, she teaches us how to be responsive to God--to give Him everything that concerns us and worship Him.


Pastor Kevin takes a deeper dive into Mark 10: 46-52--the miraculous healing of blind Bartimaeus--how he cried out to Jesus, how Jesus opened his eyes to see--and the rich meaning for us today. This is "That I Might See."


Pastor Brad & Patti Hunter, Galatians 5 - Joy is one of the key fruits of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Brad and Patti Hunter bring God's Word at Grace Christian Center in Port Ludlow. Enjoy.


Pastor Sherri continues her inspirational devotion from the Psalms. Today, from Psalm 116, she brings the heart of the psalmist as he leads us in great thanksgiving to Father God. Come enjoy.


Tying together Israel's history in the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the feasts of Trumpets and Yom Kippur, Pastor Kevin urges us to consider and be ever grateful for Jesus our High Priest. (Hebrews 4).

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Pastor Sherri continues her inspirational devotional series from the Psalms (113). Her rich insights into the heart of Jesus inspire us to worship Him.


Pastor Kevin continues his series on Welcome Holy Spirit--and today, provides context for the apostles' letter to the churches in Galatia, and for Paul's deep concern that we live in, walk with, and abide in the Holy Spirit to bear His fruit.

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Pastor Sherri continues to teach us how to love Jesus and have responsive hearts for Him as we worship. Today, in her series on the Psalms, she turns to Psalm 109.


Pastor Kevin continues the series on Welcome Holy Spirit, this is Part 9Last week, we began to look at the Fruit of the Spirit--Love. This week, we continue on that theme.

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Pastor Sherri continues her powerful devotions from the Psalms, this time Psalm 107. With research and heart application, she leads us into worship to our Lord Jesus.

  Welcome Holy Spirit Part 8, Fruit of the Spirit--Love: Pastor Kevin continues his series on Welcoming the Holy Spirit. As we yield to Him, walk with Him, and are led by His Spirit--we live in expressing the fruit of the Spirit. Today, we ask how can we better express His love?

09-15-2024 Pastor Joe and Suzanne Fitzgerald are guest ministers at Grace Christian in Port Ludlow, where Pastor Joe vulnerably teaches and shares on "Hearing and Obeying what God is SAYING."

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Pastor Kevin continues his series on Welcome Holy Spirit--this time part 7 is on GOD GIVES GIFTS. As we worship Him, He provides His gifts--His presence and His presents.

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Pastor Kevin continues his series on Welcome Holy Spirit--this time part 6 is as WE WORSHIP HIM, He provides His gifts - His presence and His presents.

08-25-2024 Pastor Sherri continues to inspire our hearts in worship for Jesus as she takes a closer look at the Psalms. Today she turns to Psalm 101.

Referring to the 2024 Olympics as the backdrop and illustration, Pastor Kevin takes us to 2 Timothy 2 to hear the heart of Paul as he exhorts us to pass the baton of living faith to those all around us. This is Want What He Wants.

08-18-2024 Pastor Sherri leads us into joyful expression of our love to Jesus, with a look at Psalm 96

Today Pastor Kevin looks into one of the most difficult passages to understand of Jesus' teachings--that He is the Bread of Life and we are to consume all of Him. What does that mean? Come find out more, with Receive Jesus--the Bread of Life. 

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Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 93, where we discover how utterly reliable our God is. She urges us to continue to put our trust in Him daily!

  Pastor Kevin continues his series, Welcome Holy Spirit, Part 5--Anointing. He takes a deeper look at the contrast between King Saul and David, with application to our daily lives with our Lord.

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Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 89, verse 52, for a closer look at how God blesses those whose hearts are HIS. He is such a faithful God--let's celebrate Him!
  Pastor Kevin continues the series Welcome Holy Spirit--this is part 4. Especially, we take a closer look at the outpourings of His Spirit in the 20th century--and what He's doing now!

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Pastor Sherri excellently brings us with her on her journey through the Psalms. (Psalm 89:1-2) Today, she encourages us to sing and lift our voices in praise to Him.


Pastor Kevin continues his series, Welcome Holy Spirit--this is Part 3. Today, he urges us all to lift our voices and sing our praises to God!

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Pastors Kevin & Sherri bring a report on the powerful things the Lord did at The Fellowship Network Conference in Orange County. Then Pastor Sherri brings her devotional to lead us into deep hearts of love and praise to our Lord. Today, from Psalm 85.


Pastor Kevin continues his series on Welcome Holy Spirit--today, Part 2. As we look into the sacred text, we see how crucial it is that we welcome Him and invite Him to be engaged with us every day--and give Him room to lead us in His Spirit.

07-14-2024 Pastor Sherri helps us turn our eyes on Jesus with gratitude and love for His mercy and grace in our lives. So many things distract and cause frustration--but we need to be sure to stop and look to Jesus every day. Enjoy her devotion from Psalm 81.
  Lay Minister Robert Lunsford brings insights into the life of the Apostle Paul, and applies it to our lives of service and ministry today

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Pastor Sherri continues her inspirational devotionals from the Psalms--today, Psalm 80. Listen and enjoy.


Welcome Holy Spirit, Part 1 - Pastor Kevin begins a series on Welcome Holy Spirit--we need His fresh breath to blow upon us, and the fullness of His Spirit to move in and through us. With hungry hearts, we say WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT.


Pastor Sherri continues her journey through the Psalms, expressing the heart of God and leading us into worship. Today, she comes to Psalm 77


Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to see the Lord powerfully move in healing--toward the woman with the issue of blood and with Jairus' daughter...and how it impacts our walk with the Lord today.


Pastor Sherri returns to the Psalms for a fresh look at her favorite verse: Psalm 73:28. Listen and enjoy.


Today, Pastor Kevin journeys to 2 Kings 6--where the Prophet Elisha leads his servant to faith in God. When it seems the enemy of our soul has us surrounded, God remains in charge and has us in His hands! This is "What Shall We Do?"

06-16-2024 Pastor Sherri takes us on her journey through the Psalms to see the heart of Jesus and inspire us in worship. Today, it's Psalm 72, verses 18-19

Pastor Kevin takes a look at Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 5--where he guides them into understanding that they are Jesus' New Creations!


Pastor Sherri continues her journey through the Psalms with a closer look at Psalm 70. With rich insights from Scripture she inspires and leads us into worship. Enjoy!


Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to Mark 3 where he finds contention with the Scribes and even with his own family--and He teaches us a new way of to observe and evaluate what is happening--and to think like He does! This is Think Like He Thinks.

06-02-2024 3 Absolutes Joseph Guerra, pastor, chaplain, military veteran, brings a superb message on 3 Absolutes--from the heart of God. Enjoy!-

05-26-2024 Pastor Sherri leads us to Psalm 66 with rich insights from Jesus, which inspire us to worship!

Pastor Kevin urges us to be sensitive to the Spirit of God, and stay close to Jesus and His family, as we learn How to Live By His Spirit.

05-19-2024 "To the Ends of the Earth"- Evangelist/Minister David Young of Crossroads Neighborhood Church in Bremerton, WA brings a timely message about following the leading of the Spirit.


Pastor Sherri shares some insights and thoughts from the TFNI NW conference, Rise '24, and then takes us to Psalm 57:7 to inspire us to worship Jesus. (From GCC Livestream)  

  Manifest His Name. John 17 - Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to John 17, where He is praying to His Father--and pours out His heart about how He has manifested the Father to His disciples. Jesus is asking us to do the same today--as we manifest Him to those in our sphere of influence. (From GCC livestream,)  -


Pastor Sherri continues to lead us in a grateful relationship with Jesus, with insights from the Psalms. Today's devotion is from Psalm 57.

  Let God Be God,  Acts 10 - Pastor Kevin journeys with the Apostle Peter to Cornelius' house in Joppa, where he sees a vision from God that changes his life and opens a door to the rest of the world to come into relationship with Jesus.


Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 51 for insights into David's heart for the Lord, and how that same heart cry for Him is in us today. (From GCC Livestream)

  The Radical Love of God - Today, Pastor Kevin journeys with the Apostle John to 1 John 4--where the aged apostle and probably the only original disciple yet living--urges the followers of Jesus to hold to Him, to His Truth, to His having come in the flesh, and to love each other deeply as we follow after Him.(From the GCC Livestream)


Pastor Sherri continues to lead our hearts to worship for Jesus as she looks at the Psalms--today, Psalm 48. God is SO great and we bring our praises to Him. Come enjoy!  


What's in His Name?   Acts 4 - Pastor Kevin catches up with the disciples as they excitedly preach Jesus to the crowds, and make the leaders angry and jealous! Why? Because they preach Jesus resurrected, a lame man is healed, and crowds of people become believers! So many insights for us today. From GCC Livestream, April 21, 2024.

04-14-2024 Pastor Sherri excitedly shares from Psalm 45 from the heart of our Bridegroom Jesus, and as His Bride--His people--we get to enjoy how He sees us as we worship Him. He is our King and we bow in worship to Him! 
  Unlocking Lives - Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to Luke 24 as He re-fires His discouraged Disciples with purpose and power to go UNLOCK LIVES for Him, in the power of His Resurrection. Resurrection changes everything!


Pastor Kevin follows the Resurrected Jesus as He comes to the Disciples behind shut and locked doors, hiding because of fear--and He meets them to re-encourage them into their calling to reach the world for Him. This is Open the Doors. (From GCC Livestream, April 7, 2024)  


Pastor Sherri takes leads us in Celebration in her devotion from Matthew 28:6, for Easter and every day--HE IS RISEN!


Pastor Kevin accompanies the three women from Mark 16 to the tomb--where they discover the stone rolled away and the declaration that Jesus has been raised from the dead! We look at what that means to us today. This is Jesus Changes Everything! (From GCC Livestream, Easter, March 31, 2024) (apologies for the technical problems with sound)


Pastor Sherri continues her devotional series on the book of Psalms, as she inspires us to respond wholly to God in our daily walk with Him. Today, she takes us to Psalm 37.


Pastor Kevin takes us to Mark 11 as we journey with Jesus, Who is following His Father to the Cross. Today, the Triumphal Entry, The Anointing Perfume, His Last Passover meal with His disciples, and to the passionate time of prayer and surrender at Gethsemane. This is Everything Changes


Pastor Sherri continues her journey through the Psalms with insights from Jesus, and how we can worship Him no matter what is happening around us. Today, she takes us to Psalm 35.


Pastor Kevin takes us to John 12--as Jesus is surrounded by crowds who want to hear Him. But everything in the timetable of the Lord speeds up when the Greeks come to see Him. Let's take a deeper dive into this section of Scripture.  Here is We Want to See Jesus.


Pastor Sherri inspires us in relationship with Jesus every week. This week, she leads us to Psalm 34, and as we gaze upon Him, our countenances are radiant with His presence. Enjoy!


Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to John 3--one of the most impactive sections of Scripture, where He meets secretly at night with Nicodemus, and leads us to the heart of why He has come--to save us by His mercy and grace! This is Who Do You Say I Am?


Pastor Sherri continues her passionate pursuit of the Lord with rich insights from Psalm 31. Enjoy! 


Don't Fear the Limp, Genesis 32:22-32 ESV - Pastor Kevin journeys with the Lord to Genesis 32, where a fearful Jacob wrestles all night longwith a "man"--Who turns out to be the Lord--Who changes Jacob and his walk forever.  Come discover how God changes us when we wrestle with Him.


Pastor Brad and Patti Hunter,  The Greatest Commandment, Part Deux  Matthew 22 - Pastor Brad and Patti Hunter follow up on his heart sharing from the Shema--about Loving God and Loving our Neighbor. Last week, we went deeply into Loving the Lord our God with everything within us. Today, we find out more about how to Love our Neighbor as Ourselves. This is The Greatest Commandment, Part Deux.


Pastor Brad Hunter, Loving the Lord  Matthew 22 - Pastor Brad Hunter of Vancouver WA shares Jesus' answer to the questioning lawyer about the Greatest Commandment, as Jesus applies the Shema to the lawyer and to us--that the greatest commandment is Loving the Lord Our God! 


Pastor Kevin Lane of Hope Point Church in Salem, OR looks at the reasons behind anxiety, with Peter as the picture of needing to repent and find release from pride. BUT--after his "mess up" God picks him up and uses him again--as He does with us all the time. This is called There's Life After A Mess Up.


Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalms 20, to show us how God hears our crys and empoweres us by his Spirit to shout for joy and raise up our banners.


Jesus Healing Touch,  Mark 1: 29-39 - Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to the healing of Peter's mother in law--and how Jesus' Healing Touch still impacts us today in the Family of God.

01-28-2024 Pastor Sherri urges us to remember the love, strength, sustaining and delivering power of Jesus, in this devotion from Psalm 18. Enjoy. 
  Faith That Matters with Part 3: Transforming Forgiveness. - There's so much to discover from the life of Joseph and the way he lived his life in the power of forgiveness that impacts our lives as followers of Jesus today.


Today, Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 13 where we see how God hears our cries and deals so graciously with us. Come enjoy the rich insights from the Psalms.

  Faith That Matters, Part 2 , Matthew 4 & Gen 41 - Pastor Kevin continues to look more deeply at forgiveness in the life of Joseph, and how it works out in our own lives as we embrace Jesus' teaching in the Lord's prayer.


Pastor Sherri leads us to Psalm 9:10 in this devotion, where she urges us forward in vital faith with Jesus--Who never abandons us!


Faith That Matters, Part 1, Gen 37-41 - Pastor Kevin takes us to Genesis 37 for the remarkable story of and all that he went through--holding onto God with a Faith That Matters - and how it applies to us today.


Pastor Sherri leads us to fresh insights into our walk with Jesus and our fresh hope in Him. Come enjoy as she leads us to Psalm 5.


Fan the Flames,  Luke 24 - On the road to Emmaus, Jesus opened the Scriptures to two discouraged disciples who didn't recognize Him. In the breaking of the bread, their eyes opened, they recognized Him, and their hearts BURNED. Fan the flames for a burning heart for Jesus.

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