MESSAGES - 2022 |
Sunday |
Grace Christian Center is gathering on
Sunday mornings at 10am at the Port Ludlow Conference Center at
200 Olympic Place.
If you are unable
to attend, we wholly invite you to be with us on Sunday morning
at Grace Christian Center on line.
We're at
Facebook Live at GCC Port Ludlow, beginning around 10:00 am.
https://www.facebook.com/GCCPortLudlow/live/ |
12-25-2022 |
Come enjoy the insights
from Pastor Sherri as she inspires us in worship from Psalm
96 --for Jesus, on this Christmas day! |
Pastor Kevin takes us to the fields where the Shepherds saw and
heard God and the angels, when they ran to see God's Son as a
babe in the manger. And from them, we can see how to respond to
God in our lives today.
12-24-2022 |
Christmas Eve Pastors
Kevin & Sherri - Celebrate the Scriptures, Some Songs, and
the sharing of the true meaning of Christmas--our Lord Jesus. |
12-18-2022 |
Pastor Sherri celebrates Jesus and helps us see what we need to
do in responding to God,
through insights from Psalm 80. |
Matthew 1:18-25 Love is a
Choice - Pastor Kevin takes a closer look at how Mary and
Joseph--and our Lord Jesus--made the choice to Love. This is
Love is a Choice |
12-11-2022 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to worship with
insights from Psalm 146.
Come enjoy.
Our joy is found in Jesus--in being His. Our circumstances
aren't always happy, be He is always good.
We look at the life of
John the Baptist to discover more.
Pastor Sherri continues to lead us into worship with insights
from the Psalms--today
from Psalm 72. Enjoy. |
In today's world it's hard to find peace--but Jesus IS our
Peace--and He wants to minister to you. Pastor Kevin takes us
into Matthew 3 to find
out more. |
11-27-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire and lead us into worship with
insights from Psalm
122. |
In our world of anxiety and despair,
Pastor Kevin delves more deeply into what it means that
Jesus is our Living Hope. |
Pastor Sherri takes us to
Psalm 46 and shares the heart of the Father and inspires us
further into worship.
Pastor Kevin continues to look more deeply at Jesus' teaching
from Luke 21-- when IS the END, and how will we know? This is
What Time is It? - Part
11-13-2022 |
What Time is It - Part 1
Pastor Kevin continues to journey with Jesus as He takes His
disciples to the Temple--to help them see things the way God sees and how we should conduct ourselves
in our next steps with Him.
10-30-2022 |
Pastor Sherri brings rich insights from
Psalm 32 which
inspire us to freely worship Jesus.
Pastor Kevin takes a closer look at the two who pray in the
Temple--the Pharisee who prides himself on his walk with God, and the Tax Collector who is ashamed of who he is and
cries out for mercy from God. God justifies the one and not the other. How can we be the one whom God justifies, so
we can be Right with God?
10-23-2022 |
Pastor Sherri encourages and inspires us to praise and worship
Jesus freely as she shares from
Psalm 146.
Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to the Burning Bush where Moses meets
with God and then to the Tree with Zacchaeus as he sees Jesus
and his life is changed. There is so much meaning in
Burning Hearts for us
10-16-2022 |
Golf Pro and Teaching elder Trent Goetz of Living Faith
Fellowship in Pullman, Wa brings a message of inspiration and
challenge, with analogies from the world of golf, to our walk
with Jesus. This is Jesus
the Master.
10-09-2022 |
Pastor Sherri leads
us into worship with her devotion and rich insights from Psalm
111. Come enjoy |
Luke 12 & 17 Your Father's
Good Pleasure - Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus as He continues to teach His
disciples how to have HIS heart tow those contrary to
faith. We hear His stories of the woman at the well and the 10
lepers, and what they speak to us today.
10-02-2022 |
Pastor Sherri shares rich insights from
Psalm 37 that freshly
encourage us to worship our Lord Jesus. Enjoy!
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to Luke 17 as He teaches us
about how to represent Him and be His disciples--to FORGIVE.
This is Increase Our
09-25-2022 |
Pastor Sherri urges us, through
Psalm 146, to let our
innermost being break out into praises to God. He is worthy of
all our praise!
No matter how deep the darkness or despair, our
God Still Cares. The
weeping Prophet Jeremiah remembered God in the deepest hour of
Jerusalem's destruction--and his insights still minister to us
09-18-2022 |
Pastor Sherri unfolds fresh devotional
insights from Psalm 113
that inspire us to worship!
Being God's Steward Luke
Pastor Kevin continues to journey with Jesus as He teaches us how
to examine ourselves with a hard-to-understand parable! This one
is about the dishonest steward.
09-11-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues to discover and share rich truths from
the Psalms--today, from
Psalm 51.
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus as He teaches us how to reach
hurting and lost people with the stories of the lost sheep and
lost coins. This is
Hearing, Seeing, and Believing.
09-04-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues her inspirational
journey through the
Psalms, and her insights inspire us to more deeply fall in
love with Jesus. Enjoy!
Pastor Kevin continues to ask, "How can we be sure we are
accurately, deeply, and correctly seeing Jesus from the
Scriptures?" This is "Is
Seeing Believing? |
08-28-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire and lead us into worship as
she shares rich insights from the Psalms...this time,
Psalm 112. Come
God has called us to be a vibrant part of HIS Family, the Church.
Come find out more, with
Living Commitment to the Family of God.
08-21-2022 |
Lay Leader Pat Perryman inspires us into worship with rich insights from Psalm 103
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to the synagogue where Jesus
sees and heals a woman bent over for 18 years with affliction.
So, too,
Jesus SEES You
and offers His deliverance, grace and power.
08-14-2022 |
Aaron Schlueter "Strength Below the Surface"
Lay Minister and teacher Aaron Schlueter from Living Faith
Fellowship In Pullman, Wa, brings an in-depth message on
our root system in faith, how it sustains us, and we we help
sustain others in difficult times.
08-07-2022 |
Pastor Sherri leads us into worship to Jesus with hearts of
thanks and praise, based on
Psalm 33.
Joshua Hunter, Olalla, WA,
shares his story - the journey of need, to a double lung
and recovery...with thanks to Jesus and His people for prayer and
loving support.
07-31-2022 |
Pastor Sherri shares rich insight from Colossians 3 that help
lead us into worship.
Christ in you IS the Hope of Glory!
Pastor Kevin examines the heart of Jesus expressed in Luke
12:13-21--and what it means to be
Rich In God.
07-24-2022 |
Pastor Sherri beautifully expresses
the heart of the Psalmist
in Psalm 138, and we are inspired to worship!
Pastor Kevin continues to journey with Jesus through the book of
Luke, as today, we go deeper with Jesus into
The Heart of Prayer
07-17-2022 |
Pastor Sherri brings
inspirational thoughts of hope and help and helps prepare
our hearts to worship Jesus.
Pastor Brad Hunter, Vancouver, WA - The heart of Jesus is
expressed through our ordinary daily common activities of
service to Him and to others around us. Listen to the real calling we
all have in The Gift
of Being Common.
07-10-2022 |
Pastor Sherri inspires us in worship with insights from Psalm
25. Pastor Kevin then leads us to Luke 10, where we hear Jesus'
heart on being the REAL
DEAL - loving our neighbors in real and tangible ways. |
07-03-2022 |
The Call to Commit
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to Luke 9, where Jesus is
intensively teaching His Disciples on hearing the Call to
Commit--which has such meaning for us as follower of Jesus
06-26-2022 |
The Holy Spirit is Active
Today! - Acts 10 describes the incredible outpouring of the
Holy Spirit at Cornelius' house--the Gentile Pentecost. Lay
Teacher Rick Grunewald shows us how the Holy Spirit is still
active and being poured out on us today! |
06-19-2022 |
Revelation--the Book of
There are many who conjecture about the meanings of the Book of
Revelation--but without question, this is an incredible book of
worship to Jesus! Listen as pastor, former military leader and
chaplain, Joseph Guerra shares insights from Revelation.
06-12-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
encourages us into worship with
insights from Psalm 8.
7- Essential Faith - Pastor Kevin
continues Essential Faith--this time, to help us discover
what it means to be a genuine member
of The Family of God.
06-05-2022 |
Pastor Sherri teaches us about what the Psalmist means in
Psalm 104 when he has
sweet meditations on God--and we learn great intimacy in
relationship with Him
Pastor Kevin examines Acts 2:1-21, the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit, and how He is
STILL MOVING today for those who receive Him.
05-29-2022 |
Pastor Sherri inspires us into worship with rich insights from
Psalm 97. Pastor Kevin dives more deeply into Acts 16:16-34, as
Paul and Silas follow the Lord to Philippi--and asks
What is Really Going On?
05-22-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues to inspire us into worshiping Jesus as
she leads us through the Psalms. Today, enjoy her inspirational
sharing from Psalm 67.
Pastor Kevin leads us into more
understanding of the
heart of the Lord expressed through Psalm 133--His anointing
remains on the family of God where we stand together in unity.
05-15-2022 |
Enjoy the rich insights and anointed prophetic ministry of
Pastor Steve Sampson
at Grace Christian Center.
The Fellowship Network - Northwest Regional Conference - 2022,
Port Ludlow, WA. |
May 11 - Conference Session #1 with Steve Sampson -
Facebook Live Video |
May 12 - Conference Session #2 with Steve Sampson -
Facebook Live Video |
May 13 - Conference Session #3 with Steve Sampson -
Facebook Live Video |
05-08-2022 |
Pastor David Kobelin - Clarity Coach, Coach and Trainer for
Awyken, and pastor, asks the important question, "What
Gets You Running." Join us for this powerful message.
05-01-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
exhorts us to give the Lord praise - even for the simple things
- as we join in with King David's expression of praise to the
Psalm 30.
Revelation 5:
Jesus is Worthy of All
Praise -
When you
realize WHO He is and how Much He's done for us, we can easily
join in with the multitudes who WORSHIP Jesus in the book of
Revelation. Remember--the book is the Revelation of Jesus
04-24-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
takes a joyful look at how we can fulfill the calling of God to
praise and worship Him, from
Psalm 150!
Jesus, Lord of Restoration
Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus
during His 40 days of ministry following Jesus' resurrection,
and to His ascension, and how He ministers to us in the same
ways today.
04-17-2022 |
Pastor Sherri celebrates Jesus in the Psalms--and today, on
Easter, she leads us through
Psalm 118:21-24.
Today, for Easter, Pastor Kevin asks
What Do You See?
Journey with us as we look more deeply at what Jesus has done,
and continues to do, for each of us.
04-15-2022 |
Good Friday Night Service |
04-10-2022 |
Pastor Sherri shares rich insights from
Psalms 118 that show
us Jesus, as we celebrate Palm Sunday |
How Did This Happen?
- Palm Sunday - Pastor Kevin invites you to journey with him as
we follow Jesus on donkey - back into Jerusalem, surrounded by
cheering crowds, for the most life changing week in human
history. |
Essential Faith - The Series
= Fill in Notes and Beliefs documents |
04-03-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
continues sharing her devotional insights from the Psalms - this
time, Psalm 126. Come
- The Baptism in the Holy
Spirit. Come discover more about this powerful and dynamic
encounter with The Holy Spirit Himself.

03-27-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues to journey through the Psalms with fresh
insights that inspire us in worship. Today, she shares from
Psalm 32:1-2. |
5 -
Water Baptism
- Pastor Kevin continues to journey
in the Scriptures with Jesus to discover our Essential Faith.
Today, we look more deeply at Water Baptism.
03-20-2022 |
Pastor Sherri continues her journey to see Jesus in the Psalms.
Today, enjoy her fresh insights from
Psalm 63:8.
- What is Salvation?
Pastor Kevin continues to dig deeper into the foundations of our
Essential Faith in Jesus.

03-13-2022 |
3 -
Jesus Makes It
Right - Pastor Kevin continues his series on
Essential Faith. This is the third. Come find out how Jesus
Makes It Right.
03-06-2022 |
See Jesus in the
Scriptures - Pastor Kevin continues his series on Essential
Faith. Today, we learn more about how to See Jesus in the

02-27-2022 |
1- Who Is God? - As
followers of Jesus we need to embrace and embody Essential Faith
teachings that help us grow. This is Who is God?
02-20-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
delights in seeing Jesus in the Psalms--as she does with
Psalm 37:3-4. She
inspires us to worship Him in gratitude for the insights He
Pastor Kevin continues this series on wearing the Spiritual
Armor from Ephesians 6:10-18. Today, we dive more deeply into
The Helmet & The Sword |
02-13-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
lifts our vision and understanding of the heart of Father God
expressed in Psalm 1:1-2.
Pastor Kevin
continues to dive more deeply into the
armor that God wants His
followers to wear. This time, let's look at
The Shield
of Faith
in Eph 6:10-18
02-06-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
continues to inspire us in worship and in intimacy with Jesus,
as she encourages us to see Jesus in the Scriptures with
Psalm 138:8 MSG..
Pastor Kevin
continues to look more deeply at the
Armor of God (Part 4) The
Right Shoes,
Ephesians 6:10-18, that are essential for the follower of
Jesus to wear. Today, we look at our "feet shod with the
preparation of the Gospel of Peace."
01-30-2022 |
Pastor Sherri
provides fresh inspirational insights from
Psalm 71:5, to enjoy
intimate relationship with the Lord.
Pastor Kevin
Hunter continues his series on the Armor of God, Part 3. Today, we look
more deeply at our need to put on the
Breastplate of
01-23-2022 |
Pastor Kevin and Sherri
Hunter -
Pastor Sherri inspires us with fresh
insights from Psalm 19:14. Pastor Kevin takes a deeper dive into
how essential it is for followers of Jesus to wear the Belt of
Truth, (Part 2).
01-17-2022 |
Pastor Kevin and Sherri
Hunter - Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 36 to celebrate
Jesus' extravagant love. Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to
learn about part of His spiritual armor - The Belt of Truth
(Part 1), and
then to join in the celebration as Jesus turns the water into
01-09-2022 |
Psalm 29 -
Pastor Sherri reminds
us to give glory to God and worship Him. This STRONG God gives
us His strength and peace in the midst of this world’s chaos.
Pastor Kevin
journeys with Jesus to Ephesians 6:10-13, as we learn to put on
the whole armor of God and
Stand in the Power of His
01-02-2022 |
Pastor Kevin
Hunter invites you to walk with Jesus into the Scriptures and
into a new life in the Lord. Jesus leads us on to be more like
Him - New in '22
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Messages 2021