MESSAGES - 2023 | ||
SUMMARY ![]() ![]() |
Sunday |
Grace Christian Center is gathering on
Sunday mornings at 10am at the Port Ludlow Conference Center at
200 Olympic Place. If you are unable to attend, we wholly invite you to be with us on Sunday morning at Grace Christian Center on line. We're at Facebook Live at GCC Port Ludlow, beginning around 10:00 am. |
12-31-2023 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to
Psalm 148 with rich insights from the heart of God--and
inspires us to lift our voices in worship to Him! |
We Will Serve the Lord |
12-24-2023 |
Pastor Sherri takes us to
Psalm 89 to see in fresh ways how God loves and works with
us as His people. Come enjoy |
Emmanuel--The Gift of God
to You, Luke 2 |
12-17-2023 |
The Joy of the Lord, Advent week 3 - Pastor Kevin takes us to Isaiah 61 and Luke 1--the declaration of the Messiah and the responsive heart of Mary as she's told she will bear Him as a baby--what glorious truth, what an incredibly responsive heart! | ||
12-10-2023 |
Sherri continues her journey through the Psalms.
Today, she takes us to
Psalm 85: 2, and then shares her heart further on the Lord's
desire to comfort and encourage His people |
Prepare the Way, Advent week 2 - Mark 1, Pastor Kevin takes a closer look at Mark 1, and the context of the confusing time and turmoil into which the gospel was written and shared. God's people THEN, and God's people NOW, need Jesus to intervene in our daily lives. | ||
12-03-2023 | Today, Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 80 where she leads into devotion to Jesus and into worship | |
The God of Hope, Advent week 1 - Today, Pastor Kevin journeys with Jesus to Romans 15 and to 1 Corinthians 1, as we begin the Advent Season, with The God of Hope. |
11-26-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to inspire us from the Psalms. Today, she looks into Psalm 95. Enjoy! | |
Open the Eyes of My Heart, Pastor Kevin leads us to Ephesians 1--the powerful prayer that the eyes of our heart be opened and we receive fresh insight, understanding, illumination and revelation of how GREAT JESUS IS, and how great He is in His church--the community of Christ. | ||
11-19-2023 | Pastor Sherri lifts our vision for the Lord in worship, as she looks at the words of the Matt Maher song, The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours). | |
Get Ready, Stay Ready, & Grow, Part 2, Pastor Kevin dives more deeply into what it means to Get Ready, Stay Ready, and Grow, in Part 2--following up from last week's message. Today, we are in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11--as we see the need to continue to prepare and serve to be about our Father's business. |
11-12-2023 | Pastor Sherri - Psalm 70 | |
Get Ready, Stay Ready, & Grow, Part 1, Pastor Kevin takes us to Matthew 25 where Jesus teaches His disciples from the 10 Virgins--5 wise & 5 foolish--and how it powerfully impacts our walk with Him today. |
11-05-2023 |
Pastor Sherri continues to guide us through the Psalms with her
heart for Jesus and incredible insights into relationship with
Him. Today, she takes us
to Psalm 43. Come enjoy.
Cooperate with His Miracles |
10-29-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to share fresh insights from the Lord, this time from Psalm 1. Come Enjoy | |
Pastor Kevin journeys to
Matthew 22 where Jesus is confronted by jealous leaders who
oppose Him--and He reveals the greatest command of all: to LOVE
GOD wholly and fully, and to love others like HE loves.
10-22-2023 |
Pastor Sherri opens up the psalms and looks at God's heart for
us. Today she turns to
Psalm 96. Come enjoy. |
God, Go With Us - Exodus
Journey with Pastor Kevin as he looks at Moses
time with God in the Mount, as he intercedes for Israel. Most of
all, he prays, "Lord show me Your glory." There's so much for us
to apply today in our walk with Jesus. |
10-15-2023 | Pastor Sherri takes us to Psalm 23--the Shepherd's Psalm--to teach us about the heart of God and how He cares for us. Enjoy the journey | |
A Father's Faith - Philippians 4, Pastor Kevin turns to Philippians 4 to hear Paul's heart as he lovingly leads his sons and daughters in the Lord deeper into daily faith in Jesus and our walk with Him. In times of turmoil, we can guard our hearts and minds, and continue on in Him. |
10-08-2023 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to
Psalm 80, and shares rich inspirational insights from the
heart of God that inspire us to worship Him. We pray with the
Psalmist: turn us again O Lord, cause Thy face to shine and we
shall be saved! |
Sincere Faith
- Philippians 3,
Pastor Kevin travels with the
Apostle Paul as he pours his heart out to the Philippian
believers about passionately following Jesus. Come with us on
the journey. |
10-01-2023 |
Sherri leads us to Psalm
25 where she inspires us into worship with rich insights
from the psalm. |
Lay Leaders, retired
Intensive Care Nurse, and dedicated followers of Jesus, Bob and
were part of a
team that recently ministered medically in Nigeria. Here is a
on what the Lord did
through them and the dedicated team of medical servants and
practioners. |
09-24-2023 | Pastor Sherri leads us in response to Jesus and whole hearted worship to Him, as she expresses insights from Psalm 145. | |
God's Heart - Jonah 3 & 4, Pastor Kevin takes a closer look at Jonah's ministry to Ninevah that the prophet learned from God's heart that impacts each of us deeply in our walk with Jesus today. | ||
09-17-2023 |
Pastor Sherri expresses the heart of the Psalmist David's heart for God and appreciation for all He's done for us, in Psalm 103. Enjoy. |
The Power of Forgiveness |
09-10-2023 |
Sherri expresses rich
insights from 119
to inspire us into worship. Enjoy! |
Look to Jesus takes a closer look at the Paschal Lamb in Exodus 12--and we see our Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain for us. - Pastor Kevin |
09-03-2023 |
Sherri leads us into worship with her heart devotion and
insights from Psalm 26.
Enjoy! |
Jesus Sees You, Exodus 3 - Pastor Kevin takes a deeper look at Exodus 3--Moses at the burning bush--and what we can learn for our relationship with Jesus today. | ||
08-27-2023 |
Sherri Goetze long time educator, principle and leader in
Christian Education, from Living Faith Fellowship in Pullman,
shares insights from
Psalm 13 to help prepare us to have responsive hearts to
Jesus, and to worship Him. Come enjoy! |
Let's Talk About Jesus - Golf Pro, Long time Christian Leader, follower of Jesus, entrepreneur, and mentor to others, from Living Faith Fellowship in Pullman, WA, shares deeply about the burden of his heart. |
08-20-2023 |
Sherri continues to share LIFE from the Psalms and lead us into
worship. Today, hear the
insights from Psalm 67. Enjoy! |
Keep Coming - Past the
Silence, Matthew 15 |
08-13-2023 |
Sherri leads us into worship with this fresh
devotional from Psalm 85.
Enjoy! |
Walking with God Part 5:
Stay in His Boat |
08-06-2023 |
Pastor Sherri
leads us into worship with
devotional thoughts from
Psalm 145. |
Walking with God Part 4:
Seeing & Meeting the Need |
07-30-2023 |
Pastor Sherri leads us to
Psalm 119 where she expresses the heart of the Psalmist to
walk with God, to not be found in sin, but to passionately serve
Him. Enjoy. |
Walking with God, Part 3 - Pastor Kevin - Romans 8 has been called the most important chapter in the Bible as we see all that Jesus has done for those who follow Him. NOTHING can separate us from Him. Even in the most difficult of times, we are embraced by God. |
07-23-2023 |
Walking with God, Part 2
- Jacob Meets with God -
Pastor Kevin -
Sometimes God calls us
apart to Himself--don't be afraid of ALONE times with God as
we let the Lord work with us and in us. We see powerful life
lessons through Jacob as he runs from Esau and meets with God.
07-16-2023 |
Pastor/long time military chaplain Joseph Guerra brings devotional insights from Psalm 61 to help us in our walk with Jesus. Come enjoy. |
07-09-2023 |
Sherri leads us into worship with this rich devotion from
Psalm 145. Come enjoy. |
Walking with God, Part
1 - Don't Be Offended with God
Kevin takes a deeper look at
Matthew 10 & 11--as
we journey with Jesus and learn to not be offended with God's
plan for our lives, and how to rest in Him.
07-02-2023 |
Pastor Sherri Hunter brings more rich insights from the Psalms
which helps inspire us into worship.
Today, she expresses the
heart of the Lord from Psalm 89. |
Happy Birthday America |
How to Pass the Test - One of the most remarkable stories in the Scripture is Abraham being called by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah. Pastor Kevin Hunter leads us on a journey of discovery of life lessons for us today from Genesis 22. | ||
06-25-2023 |
Sherri continues to lead us into worship as she looks into the
Psalms. Today, we go with
her to Psalm 69. |
Formation is essential as we follow Jesus and become who He
wants us to be. Today, Pastor Kevin urges us to further respond
to Him. This is Essential
Faith 14: Full Hearted Commitment. |
06-18-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to lead God's people to worship Jesus as she leads us through the Psalms. Today, enjoy the insights from Psalm 100. | |
Pastor Kevin takes us to Genesis 18 as we examine how Abraham served the three "visitors"--in spite of his own lack of fulfillment on God's promise, and released blessing to all the ensuing generations. We, too, release blessing as we make surrendered dedication to Jesus to bless and serve! This is The Father's Faith. | ||
06-11-2023 | Pastor Sherri takes us on a journey to the Psalms, where we see the heart of Jesus for us. Today, listen to her insights on Psalm 50. | |
Essential Faith #13, The
Heart of Giving to God.
Pastor Kevin continues the journey in Essential Faith. Today, we
see the heart of God from the Scriptures regarding giving--it's
HIS idea! This is The Heart of Giving To God.
06-04-2023 |
Essential Faith #12, The
Heart of Service. |
05-28-2023 |
Kevin journeys with Jesus to Acts 2, and the Day of Pentecost
when the Holy Spirit was poured out.
This is, "The Spirit is
Moving"--let's say YES to Him moving in and through us
today! |
05-21-2023 | God has done so much for us, and in response, we get to live a life of praising Him. Pastor Kevin shares some thoughts on praising God from Psalm 68 | |
Receive His Power, Acts 1 |
05-14-2023 |
Brad Hunter shares the heart of the Lord in this important
message of passing the
faith of Jesus Christ on to the next generations. Enjoy
Mothers and Fathers in the Faith.
05-07-2023 |
Sherri helps us turn our hearts and eyes fully on Jesus as she
leads us to worship Him, with
insights from Psalm 31. |
Long time
friends of this ministry,
Pastors Kevin and LeAnn Lane of Hope Point Church in Salem, OR,
bring greetings and great insights from Acts16--and how the Lord
moves us through wonder to worship. The jailer in Acts 16 was
literally transformed--and so are we as we yield to Jesus. |
04-30-2023 | Pastor Sherri opens the Word of Life from Psalm 23--Come enjoy! | |
Pastor Kevin looks at David's heart in the Shepherd's Psalm - Psalm 23--and the impact for our lives today. | ||
04-23-2023 | Pastor Sherri Hunter continues to inspire us in worship by opening and applying the heart of God to us through the Psalms. Today, let's look at Psalm 116, verse 1. | |
Pastor Kevin turns to 1 Peter 1 to share the heart of the apostle for us today--that we not give up but grow on and go on, even when we find life tough and full of difficulties. How? With Jesus, our Living Hope. | ||
04-16-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to inform and inspire our faith with her journey through the Psalms. Today, she looks into the heart of Psalm 16 | |
In John
20, we find the disciples behind locked doors, when Jesus comes
into their room, meets with them, and helps set them free. He
does the same with us today.
Pastor Kevin journeys
with Jesus into Locked Doors.
04-09-2023 |
Sherri and Kevin share about Josh Hunter's passing--who loved
Jesus--and now is risen with his Savior. And
Pastor Sherri leads us
into worship with insights about our resurrected Lord, from
Psalm 118. |
Kevin and Chris Hunter bring the GOOD NEWS on
04-02-2023 |
Pastor Sherri leads into the Palm Sunday celebration! |
Pastor Kevin takes us through this Passion Week of our Lord. We move with perspectives on The Transfiguration, on into the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem. This is From Triumph To Tragedy to Triumph Again. | ||
03-26-2023 |
In John 11, we find the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead--Pastor Kevin presses deeper for meaning and personal application to our own lives. This is Real People Need a Real Faith in a Real God. |
03-19-2023 |
Are You Ready for Revival?
Pastor Kevin asks us to examine our own lives--are we ready for
revival, and what does that tangibly mean? With insights from
Acts 8, we pray, "Holy Spirit fall on me." |
03-12-2023 |
military chaplain, pastor, and spiritual mentor Joseph Guerra
brings superb insights from the Scripture in
The Rebirth of Wonder. |
03-05-2023 |
from Haggai
- Lay minister Robert Lunsford brings rich insights from the
book of Haggai that impact us today. |
02-26-2023 | Pastor Sherri leads us to Psalm 32, and shows us the heart of the Father as we move to Him in worship. | |
Steps to Personal Revival - Pastor Kevin follows Jesus to the wilderness for His time of testing and temptation--and we see how we can respond to the Spirit of God now. | ||
02-19-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to express the heart of God from the Psalms--today from Psalm 99. | |
The Hunters - The Asbury Revival & Preparing our Own Hearts - God is moving in very special ways in what's being called the Asbury Awakening or Revival. Let's prepare our own hearts for the fresh move of God! | ||
Essential Faith 11:
Fasting and Worship - Pastor Kevin continues his series on
Essential Faith. Following up on the teaching on Prayer, this
pursues further relationship with God through Fasting and
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02-12-2023 | Pastor Sherri expresses the heart of Jesus from Psalm 119--and helps prepare our hearts to worship Him. Come enjoy. | |
Essential Faith #10 -
Prayer - Jesus invites, welcomes, and teaches us to pray. He
WANTS to hear us and be with us. Find out more in Essential
Faith 10: Prayer.
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02-05-2023 | With insights from Psalm 112, Pastor Sherri celebrates the grace of God that transforms our lives. | |
Essential Faith #9 - Holy
Communion - Pastor Kevin continues on with the series,
Essential Faith. Today, we take a fresh look at what the
Scripture teaches regarding Holy Communion--and how we celebrate
and receive the impartation of Jesus' life as we partake.![]() ![]() |
01-29-2023 | LOVE, 1 Corinthians 13 - Ordained minister/Military Chaplain and leader Joseph Guerra ministers powerfully about LOVE--as we take a deeper look at 1 Corinthians 13. (From GCC On Line, January 31, 2023) | |
01-22-2023 | Pastor Sherri brings fresh insights and inspiration to help lead us into worship, from the Scriptures. Today, she looks at Psalm 27. | |
Lay Minister Priscilla Guerra leads us to a Scriptural Understanding of the Beatitudes--how Persecution helps produce Righteousness in our lives. | ||
01-15-2023 | How do you handle it when someone says to you, "Be Patient?" Pastor Sherri encourages us in that as we look to Psalm 40, especially v. 8. Take a listen. | |
Pastor Kevin -
As two of John the Baptist's disciples begin to follow Jesus,
they ask to see where He stays. Jesus invites them to
"Come and See"--and,
as with us today, their lives are transformed as they do. |
01-08-2023 | Pastor Sherri continues to lead us into 2023 with hearts filled with love and worship for Jesus. Today, we especially receive His peace as we are devoted to Him. Psalm 29:11 | |
The Lord changes us as we turn to Him--an internal shift that produces an outward change. We need to know how deeply He loves us and wants us. This is "God Passionately Pursues You." | ||
01-01-2023 | Pastor Sherri begins a new year with fresh devotional insights from the Psalms that lead us in worship to Jesus. | |
Pastor Kevin urges us to Passionately Pursue God as we embark on a new year. God is not Dead, not Deaf, and not Done--let our hearts be fully alive in Him as we embrace every next step He desires. | ||
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