
Grace Christian Center is gathering on Sunday mornings at 10am at the Port Ludlow Conference Center at 200 Olympic Place.

If you are unable to attend, we wholly invite you to be with us on Sunday morning at Grace Christian Center on line. We're at Facebook Live at GCC Port Ludlow, beginning around 10:00 am.

03-02-2025 Pastor Sherri calls us further in relationship with the Lord as she opens Psalm 45 in this devotional sharing. Come enjoy.
  Personal Revival, Mark 10 - Pastor Kevin takes a closer look at Blind Bartimaeus and his cooperation with Jesus in his own personal healing--and how it dynamically impacts our walk with Jesus today.

02-23-2025 Who is Ishe, Hosea 2:14-16 NKJV - Pastor Alex Mendoza of Resilient Church in Salem, OR, brings a powerful and rich word of the transforming grace of God in our lives as we respond to Jesus and His Word. Jesus wants us to know the unknowable love of God!


Pastor Sherri stirs us in faith, belief, and trust for our Lord Jesus as she continues her devotional sharing through the Psalms. Today she brings life from Psalm 38. Enjoy!


When the Kingdom Breaks In, Pastors Don and Claudia Pieper of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Port Hadlock, WA share greetings and the Word of God with Grace Christian Center. 


Pastor Don invites us to look closer at the Scripture where 4 men bring their friend to Jesus for His healing--by digging a hole in the roof to let him down right in front of Jesus!  And Jesus meets him powerfully--like He meets you and me! Come enjoy When the Kingdom Breaks In


Pastor Sherri helps prepare our hearts for worship with her devotional sharing from Psalm 31. Let's come to Jesus with all our hearts and passion--staying close to Him always.


We journey with Jesus as he enters Simon's boat, teaches, and then tells him to go fishing again! Simon's surrenders to the Lord, and his life changes forever. Pastor Kevin urges us to Let Jesus in Your Boat, from Luke 5.


Pastor Sherri again shares the heart of Jesus for us and our heart for Him as she opens some of Psalm 27, and inspires us into worship. Listen and enjoy.

  Alive 25, Part 5 - The power of Praying Together. Pastor Kevin continues his series on Alive '25


Pastor Sherri leads us in a heart of devotion to our Lord Jesus, by taking us to Psalm 23--the Shepherd's Psalm. David loved the Lord and loved to be in His house, as should we. Enjoy

  Alive 25, Part 4 - Philippians 3 and Matthew 21 - Pastor Kevin continues his series on Alive '25. In part 4, we come to Matthew 21, where we see Jesus overturn the moneychangers tables to be sure God's House is a House of Prayer.


Pastor Sherri leads us to Psalm 16 where David pours his heart and complaint out to God--and ends in praise. Let us do the same and worship Him!

  Alive 25, Part 3 - Philippians 3 - Pastor Kevin continues his series on Alive '25--today, we take a deeper look at Spiritual Formation--what it means, and how we are to let the Holy Spirit work within us and form us more into the image of Jesus.


Pastor Sherri urges us to remember, with Psalm 10, that Jesus is King and God is on the throne no matter what happens--and knowing that releases us into worshiping Him.


Alive 25, Part 2 - Pastor Kevin takes a deeper look into what it means to Love Jesus Passionately, expressed in receiving His love, His forgiveness, and giving that same forgiveness away.


Pastor Sherri leads us to Psalm 5--where we see how to run into Jesus and hide in Him. In that place of love and protection, we find it easy to worship Him.


Alive 25, Part 1 - Joshua 24:15 - As we move into 2025, Pastor Kevin leads us into further understanding of following Jesus, moving on, and determining to Keep Jesus first and foremost in every aspect of life.

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